Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gender and Gaming

I do not agree that games consoles are for males only and females have no access to them in the home. I have a sister and when i asked her what her opinion was, she said she likes to play games, her favourite to play being Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Mario Kart.

She is not a dedicated gamer, but when she wants to play games she has no problem as my Playstation 3 is in the living room, so she has access to it at anytime, and she also has a Nintendo 64 in here. In fact i would say she has had more access to gaming growing up than i did, due to me having a console before she was born, so she always had an option of playing one.

However the console did belong to me, i would never mind letting her play it and if she had of wanted a console my parents would not have minded buying het one.

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